The main topic of our 25th researcher meeting in Willebadessen was DNA genealogy.
For this we could win Norbert Bohrmann, who explained us very well the matter in his 3 lectures.
During the meeting it became apparent that some participants had already taken the first steps, i.e. had carried out a DNA test and had uploaded some of their data to GEDMATCH.
On Saturday evening there were already first results among the participants: "You are distantly related to XY!".

We wouldn't be AKFF if we didn't do this in a coordinated way :-)
Henry Piotraschke will act as coordinator, as DNA administrator. He will be available for help and advice and will be the central collection point for the kit numbers at GEDMATCH.
Norbert Bohrmann provided the following additions after the meeting:
1.) Determine Y-haplogroup
Anyone who has done a DNA test at Ancestry or MyHeritage (or still wants to do) can use a free site on the Internet to find out the Y-haplogroup and possibly the subordinate subclade. (This is for male testers only).
Ancestry gives the better result because more DNA markers from the Y chromosome are tested.